martes, 27 de marzo de 2012 music and energy

It's like you were waiting for me the whole time, August. Or maybe it was me, I was waiting and I finally got to know you, and the music. It was so beautiful, August Rush.

Now I need to explore this, my energy in those moments was incredible, the connection of the notes, the rhythm of life, the flux of my energy was something I've never experienced before, or maybe a couple of times but...

Thank you for the music, I really needed it. And it all comes to show that when you move forward, the universe helps you...After that bad and numbing stall, I decided to walk again and then, it came, right at night, thank you, August Rush.

It's hard to express it really, but that state was really something else, the music, the rythm, it is all conected and I can feel it. Each and every sound, every movement makes a difference in the universe and it is all composed  and built in a magnificent way. I sense that, just as August received his music from the universe, we all can receive a grand experience from it, we just have to pay attention. And I guess that I'm able to feel some of that, maybe not the music, but something like the flux, it comes in energy, in thoughts, it's amazing...

I think I'll have to address this matter again , but for now, let's go!

sábado, 24 de marzo de 2012


"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there".

This is happening now. Now I don't know how to face them, it's the exam situation all over again.
Walk different if you want things to change.

Trapped inside this octavarium.
I need some creativity.

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012


Baby steps to giant strides.

Conquer one day at a time.

sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

Lo Cierto

Lo cierto es que hoy le sonreí a una oportunidad y el mundo me devolvió el favor.
Lo cierto es que hasta ahora, esta viene siendo una de las mejores semanas que he tenido en mucho tiempo.
Lo cierto es que mi fuego arde con más pasión pero también con más sabiduría y control que antes.
Lo cierto es que mis amigos me han ayudado tanto que me siento privilegiado de su sola compañía.
Lo cierto es que hoy me di cuenta que no sólo salí del estado en que estaba el año pasado, sino que ahora puedo decir que soy feliz.
Lo cierto es que aún me falta mucho, pero ahora sí voy por el camino correcto.

Estoy muy agradecido de esta vida. Vamos caminando, vamos dibujando.

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012


"Leap of Faith", this is a big and important phrase, a concept mostly used in relationships, and I think i'ts amazing because it means to throw yourself without looking back, to love a person without limits and to really be in a serious commitment, to trust in that complex yet beautiful connection that one has with another person...It really is wonderful but it doesn't always happen, and for me, it was a failure, I couldn't do it and though I'm passing through another stage in my life now, I have to go back to that phrase and take it from a different angle.

I have to take my own leap of faith, not for anyone else but myself, for my dreams, I need to break the glass and live, for once, just trust and go forward, whitout really knowing what's gonna happen, leave your fears behind and strive for happiness.

I've learned a lot in all this time, now it's time to apply it. I have to commit, to love, to trust myself, and maybe one day I'll be able to take the leap of faith in a relationship.

But now I must do ir just for myself, I know that in a relationship you also do it for yourself but this is different, now I have to take my own hand and pull me through this hardships. I know I can do it, I can be brave, I want to be extraordinary. It is time to take flight.

Besides, I have great family and friends to help me, it's going to be alright, my will is strong.


Algo asqueroso que no me deja avanzar, ya no soy ese estupidamente honesto, perdí mi pureza en algun momento, sigo atrayendo a la gente y sigo con esa imagen, pero creo que no es real, hace mucho tiempo que tengo una asquerosidad dentro que me hace sentir sucio y no merecedor de la imagen que se tiene de mi...

martes, 6 de marzo de 2012


It seems that I can't pick up my chin. Failure.